Poet, Editor, Researcher
2016 Cirque, Issue #15, December 2016, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2016 "Prayer 59," poem, Cirque, literary journal.
2016 Cirque, Issue #14, June 2016, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2016 "At Home," poem, Sin Fronteras, literary journal.
2016 “The Shore Will Open,” poem, Giving Voice to Image 4: A Collaboration of Artists and Poets, ViVO Contemporary Gallery, Santa Fe.
2015 Cirque, Issue #13, December 2015, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2015 “Far Knob,” poem, Giving Voice to Image 3: A Collaboration of Artists and Poets, ViVO Contemporary Gallery, Santa Fe.
2015 "Golfing the Bering Sea," poem, Cirque, literary journal.
2015 Cirque, Issue #12, June 2015, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2014 “Cold Mountain Cottage,” poem, Giving Voice to Image 2: A Collaboration of Artists and Poets, ViVO
Contemporary Gallery, Santa Fe.
2014 Cirque, Issue #11, December 2014, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2014 “S.S. Northwestern: Sailing Sheltered Seas,” article, Aleutian Voices, Vol. 1, No. 1, National Park Service.
2014 Cirque, Issue #10, June 2014, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2013 Cirque, Issue #9, December 2013, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2013 Lifting the Sky: Southwestern Haiku & Haiga, a haiku, poetry anthology, Dos Gatos Press.
2013 “The Story of the Book,” poem, Giving Voice to Image: A Collaboration of Artists and Poets, ViVO Contemporary Gallery, Santa Fe.
2013 Cirque, Issue #8, June 2013, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2012 Chulitna III, with Randol Bruns, poetry chapbook, Chipmunk Press.
2012 Cirque, Issue #7, December 2012, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2012 Cirque, Issue #6, June 2012, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2011 Braided Streams, An Anthology, five poems, poetry anthology, Ten Poets Press.
2011 Chulitna II: A Further Conversation in Poems, with Randol Bruns, poetry chapbook, Chipmunk Press.
2011 Cirque, Issue #5, December 2011, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2011 Cirque, Issue #4, June 2011, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2010 Chulitna: A Conversation in Poems, with Randol Bruns, poetry chapbook, Chipmunk Press.
2010 Cirque, Issue #3, December 2010, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2010 Cirque, Issue #2, June 2010, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2010 “Coma: A Poem for My Son,” poem, Ice Floe: New & Selected Poems, anthology University of Alaska Press.
2010 "A Dream After Lobster," poem, Poems & Plays, literary journal.
2010 "From Wreck to Relic to Meaning: A Semiotic Analysis of the Russian Steamer Politkofsky’s Artifacts," Paper presented at the
Alaska Anthropology Association, Annual Meeting, March 27, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska.
2010 "The 2009 Politkofsky Search Expedition, St. Michael, Alaska," Paper presented at the Alaska Anthropology Association, Annual
Meeting, March 25, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska.
2009 "Portage Creek Passage," poem, in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, by Steve Kahn and Anne Coray, Alaska Geographic.
2009 Cirque, Issue #1, December 2009, a literary journal, editor and publisher.
2009, "In the room where I never wrote," poem, Poem, Home: An Anthology of Ars Poetica, Paper Kite Press.
2009 “The New El Dorado: Salvaging A Gold Rush Shipwreck,” Lecture, Anchorage Museum, June 18, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska.
2009 "Wolf at Beaver Creek," a poem, Alaska Dispatch,
2009 "Golfing in the Bering Sea," a poem, Alaska Dispatch,
2008 "Granite Creek, "No Bag, No Mice," "Getting the Mail," "Descent," and "Two Things Gone," five poems, 50 Poems for Alaska, 10
Poets Press, Anchorage, poetry anthology.
2008 "Your Land," and "Wash Silver," two poems, Crosscurrents North: Alaskans on the Environment, Marybeth Holleman and Anne
Coray, eds., University of Alaska Press.
2008 “The Phyllis S: Anatomy of A Shipwreck Narrative,” Lecture, the Kodiak Maritime Historical Society, May 16, 2008, Kodiak, Alaska.
2008 “The Princess May: Before and After Sentinel Island,” Lecture, the Kodiak Maritime Historical Society, May 16, 2008, Kodiak, Alaska.
2008 Submerged Cultural Resource Management on the Last Frontier: Reconnaissance, GIS Mapping, and Biotic/Geochemical
Characterization of Threatened Shipwreck Sites in Southeast Alaska (J. David McMahan, John O. Jensen, Stephen Jewett, John
Kelley, Sathy Naidu, Hans Van Tilburg, and Michael Burwell) In: Pollock, N.W., Godfrey, J.M., eds. Diving for Science 2007.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 26th Symposium, Dauphin Island, AL: AAUS; 2007.
2007 Cartography of Water, full-length poetry collection, NorthShore Press.
2007 "The Decline of the Western Arctic Caribou Herd," Paper presented at the UAA Student Showcase Symposium, University of Alaska
Anchorage, April 5, 2007.
2007 "The Decline of the Western Arctic Caribou Herd," Paper presented at the Alaska Anthropology Association, Annual Meeting, March
16, 2007, Fairbanks, Alaska.
2006 "Gulls In The Sail Loft At Gloucester," and “Wolf at Beaver Creek, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska,” two poems, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2006 “The Princess May: Before and After Sentinel Island,” Paper presented at the Alaska Historical Society Annual Meeting, October 6,
2006, Juneau, Alaska.
2006 “Artifacts of the Russian Steamer Politkofsky: Carriers of the Ship’s Story,” Outreach Presentation for NOAA Lynn Canal Shipwreck
Cruise, April 7 &11, 2006, Haines and Juneau, Alaska.
2005 "Coma: A Poem for My Son," a poem, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2005 “The Phyllis S: Anatomy of A Shipwreck Narrative,” Paper presented at the Alaska Historical Society Annual Meeting, October 2005,
Kodiak, AK.
2005 “A Predictive Site Inventory for the Remains of the Russian Steamer Politkofsky at St. Michael, Alaska,” Paper presented at the Alaska Anthropology Association, Annual Meeting, March 11, 2005, Anchorage, Alaska.
2005 Western Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Consensus or Conflict?" Paper presented at the Alaska Forum on the
Environment, February 3, 2005, Anchorage Alaska.
2004 "Winter Haiku," poem, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2004 "Hunger Knows No Law: Seminal Native Protest and the Barrow Duck-In of 1961," Paper presented at the Alaska Historical Society
Annual Meeting, September 2004, Anchorage, Alaska.
2004 "Hunger Knows No Law: Seminal Native Protest and the Barrow Duck-In of 1961," Paper presented at the Arctic Social Science
Conference, April 2004, Fairbanks, Alaska.
2003 "Discovery of the Widgeon," poem, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2002 "Summer Sky," poem, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2002 Juneau Shipwreck lecture on boat tour of Lynn Canal, for Gastineau Channel Historical Society, Juneau, Alaska.
2001 “Haiku School,” and "Fall Road to Eagle, Alaska," two poems, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2000 "Winter Light," poem, Ice-Floe, literary journal.
2000 "Ketchikan to the Rescue: The Cutter Cyane and the Wreck of the SS Denali," Paper presented at the Alaska Historical Society
Annual Meeting, Ketchikan, Alaska.
2000 "Implementation of Traditional Knowledge in EIS Analysis and Decision-Making," Paper presented at the Established Oil & Gas
Practices and Technologies on Alaska's North Slope, a workshop co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State of
Alaska , April 25-26, 2000, Anchorage, Alaska.
2000 "Shipwrecks Off Alaska's Coast" database, posted on USDOI, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region’s website.
2000 "The Artifacts of the Russian Steamer Politkofsky: Carriers of the Ship's Story," Paper presented at the Alaska Anthropology
Association, Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska.
2000 "Documenting Environmental Justice Issues," Presentation on MMS' role concerning Subsistence & Environmental Justice, on
Federal/State Panel, Alaska Forum on the Environment, February 4-8, 2000, Anchorage, Alaska.
1999 “The Steamer Politkofsky”—Part IV—Conclusion, Sea Chest, Journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, Seattle, WA,
Vol. 33, No. 2.
1999 “The Steamer Politkofsky”—Parts III & IV, Sea Chest, Journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, Seattle, WA, Vol. 33, No.
1999 "Alaska Shipwreck Surveys and the Alaska Shipwreck Database," In: Along the Shores of Time: Submerged Historic and Indigenous
Resources in the Pacific Rim Region, Proceedings from an international/interdisciplinary conference, Sausalito, CA, April 1999 with
Michele Hope.
1999 “The Steamer Politkofsky”—Part II, Sea Chest, Journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, Seattle, WA, Vol. 32, No. 4.
1999 "The New Eldorado: Salvaging A Gold Rush Shipwreck," Lecture, the Gastineau Channel Historical Society, Juneau, Alaska.
1999 "The Steamer Politkofsky: Chronicle of a Russian-American Tug"—Part I, Sea Chest, Journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical
Society, Seattle, WA, Vol. 32, No. 3.
1998 "The Politkofsky's Bronze Steam Whistle," Paper delivered at the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society's 50th Anniversary
Meeting, December, Seattle, Washington.
1996 “Eagle on the Cape,” poem, second place, Abiko Quarterly International Poetry Contest.
1995 “The S.S. Northwestern: The Ship that Always Came Back,” In: Alaska At War, 1941-1945: The Forgotten War Remembered:
Professional Papers from the Alaska at War Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, November 11-13, 1993.
1995 “The S.S. Northwestern,” historical article, Parts I & 2, Sea Chest, Journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, Seattle,
1995 “Bank of the River,” poem, North of Eden: An Anthology of Alaskan Writings, Loose Affiliation Press.
1995 A Chanting of Waters, poetry collection. Co-winner, Embers Press 7th Annual Chapbook Award.
1995 "The Last Voyage of the Russian Steamer Politkofsky,” Lecture, sponsored by the Tanana-Yukon Historical Society and the Arctic
Institute of North America, April 20, 1995, Fairbanks, Alaska.
1995 “Alone,” “Montague Island: Spring,” and “Wash Silver,” three poems, Poems & Plays, literary journal. “Wash Silver” nominated for
Pushcart XXI Prize.
1995 “Eddy at Sharp Cape,” poem, runner-up, Utah Wilderness Poetry Contest.
1995 “Great Grandfather on the River,” poem, Inside Passages, literary journal.